
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Well, that was quick. See last post for details on Rentoid.

This morning my lovely wife was offered the opportunity to do some blogging/promotion for the company.

See her new blog for details. It's over on Wordpress at http://orangegirl2800.wordpress.com/

I should be back with Library related stuff soon. Meantime, bookmark my wife's page, as it will have heaps of cool stuff on it within a very short time.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not so much a library related thing this post, but a great social networking service.


Like Ebay, but for renting stuff rather than selling. The Rentoid team appeared on A Current Affair last night, which is where my wife found out about it, and later told me about it. Link to the ACA interview is at http://www.youtube.com/user/rentoid.

So why have I made a post about a service for getting stuff? Because, the way Rentoid works, it creates social connections between users, bringing people together. Much like a public library should.

So go check it out. While it is Australian based, it is planning to, if it hasn't already, go global.

(And another reason why Rentoid is worth promoting? One of the owners thinks my wife is "quite a catch!" (as he said in a live webcast last night). So there is a brain and good taste at the top!

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