
Saturday, September 18, 2004

Graphic Novels as Literature

Our lovely local Library (which has been kind enough to employ me), has recently embarked on a great Graphic Novel buying spree. After all the comments, surveys, suggestions and purchase request forms filled out (some by me), our accuisitions section has decided that Graphic Novels (or what they call Graphic Novels, but which are really mostly Trade Paperbacks) are a useful and regularly borrowed type of material.

For more info on Graphic Novels/Trade Paperbacks check out Graphic Novels 101

I have always considered comics as a form of literature, and have never understood the impression that some people have of them. For those who blindly say "Oh It's all for kids!", let them read Preacher, Watchmen, Maus and even recent Marvel and DC titles such as Amazing Spider-Man and Green Lantern. (The Hate Crimes story arc in Green Lantern a while back was a very very good piece of writing)

A couple of good sites for Comic reviews and releases are No Flying, No Tights and The Comics Get Serious

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