
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Collection Development Develops

Every few days at our library there appears a small consignment of new items for the collection. I will state now that I work in an actual public library branch, and not in collection development, so my experience with new material is limited to what is sent to my branch, which currently is one on nine (soon to be one of only eight- but that's another topic).

Anyway, the box of new items arrives today, and I was pleasantly surprised to see a little gem in with all the new novels and non fiction. A copy of the 2006 WWE Judgement Day wrestling Pay Per View.

Now we are a public library, and like many other public libraries we hold a lot, (some would say too much) of entertainment DVDs - movies, TV series and the like. And yet it was a complete (and really pleasant) surprise to see wrestling in the new arrivals.

I remember a few years ago, I had to fight to get copies of Mick Foley's Biography Have A Nice Day: A Tale Of Blood And Sweatsocks into the collection, having been told it was "too frivolous" for a non-fiction work. I successfully argued for that one, and copies of his second work of biography and his two novels. But even I was surprised to see actual wrestling dvds arrive. The biographies have some academic value, I argued, and are worthy of a place in the collection. The DVDs I wouldn't have been able to make such a claim for, and if it were solely my decision, I wouldn't have bought too many either. (For the library that is, I have about a hundred of WWF, WCW and ECW videos and DVDs in my personal collection at home).

It's a good feeling, knowing that the collection development of my library service is finally starting to get with the times.

The LibraryDude!

* after typing this post, The LibraryDude went and watched said DVD with his fiancee*

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