
Friday, November 10, 2006

Literature Map

I was shown this site in training yestreday. (The training was to improve our Reader's Advisor part of our service)

Literature Map

The whole idea is that you type in an author and you get a visual "map" of related authors in a nice pattern around it. (Try it and you'll see what I mean). However, I'm not sure of how reliable it is. According to this site, the closest related authors to Monty Python are Robert Burns, and Karl Marx...

Monty Python is listed as a related author to James Herbert too. Is this just a couple of isolated incidents? Is Literature map reliable? I was going to add it to my list of links on the side but I'm not so sure now.

Anyway, see you again next time.

Edit: 5 minutes later. : The map has settled a bit and Monty python and Robert Burns have a sizable gap between them now. That's a lot better than before, though its a bit troubling that for accurate results you need to wait a few minutes. That's not an option when doing RA at the branches.

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